To find out more about our privacy policy, see the Personal Information Guarantee Policy.
Supplier Information
Quality Supplier Partners are the foundation of the continued success of Tachi-S. We appreciate all that we have accomplished together and look forward to the future. We will continue to expand how we communicate with one another and strive to make our working relationship smooth and issue-free.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.
Tachi-S Automotive Seating USA Supplier Handbook
• Tachi-S Automotive Seating USA Supplier Handbook
Purchase Order Terms & Conditions
• Tachi-S Terms and Conditions for POs After 4.15.2014
• Tachi-S Terms and Conditions for POs Before 4.15.2014
Parts Submission Process
• Tachi-S Parts Submission Process
Prototype Parts Submission Warrant